Guild Wars 1 Codex from April 29, 2020 Stream



Axe Mastery

Cleave | Critical Chop | Dismember | Disrupting Chop | Executioner's Strike | Keen Chop | Swift Chop |

Hammer Mastery

Fierce Blow | Hammer Bash | Heavy Blow | Overbearing Smash | Pulverizing Smash | Staggering Blow |


Battle Rage | Berserker Stance | Bull's Charge | Defy Pain | Dolyak Signet | Power Attack | Rush | Signet of Strength | Warrior's Cunning |


Hamstring | Pure Strike | Seeking Blade | Sever Artery | Silverwing Slash | Steelfang Slash |


"Retreat!" | Deflect Arrows | Desperation Blow | Shield Stance | Soldier's Defense | Steady Stance | Wary Stance |


Domination Magic

Arcane Larceny | Backfire | Enchanter's Conundrum | Hex Breaker | Overload | Price of Pride | Signet of Distraction |

Fast Casting

Persistence of Memory | Power Return | Symbolic Celerity | Symbolic Posture |

Illusion Magic

Confusing Images | Conjure Nightmare | Crippling Anguish | Fragility | Phantom Pain | Recurring Insecurity | Shrinking Armor | Soothing Images |

Inspiration Magic

Discharge Enchantment | Elemental Resistance | Feedback | Leech Signet | Lyssa's Aura | Mantra of Flame | Mantra of Recall | Power Drain |

No Profession

Signet of Disenchantment |


Beast Mastery

Bestial Pounce | Feral Aggression | Heal as One | Melandru's Assault | Otyugh's Cry | Pounce | Rampage as One | Revive Animal |


Expert Focus | Marksman's Wager | Point Blank Shot | Trapper's Speed | Whirling Defense | Zojun's Haste | Zojun's Shot |


Burning Arrow | Determined Shot | Melandru's Shot | Precision Shot | Rapid Fire | Savage Shot | Screaming Shot | Splinter Shot |

Wilderness Survival

Barbed Arrows | Quickening Zephyr | Serpent's Quickness | Storm Chaser | Troll Unguent | Winter |


Divine Favor

Blessed Aura | Blessed Signet | Contemplation of Purity | Deny Hexes | Peace and Harmony | Signet of Devotion | Watchful Healing |

Healing Prayers

Cure Hex | Dwayna's Sorrow | Heal Other | Healing Ribbon | Healing Touch | Words of Comfort |

Protection Prayers

Aura of Stability | Life Bond | Life Sheath | Mend Ailment | Pacifism | Pensive Guardian | Restore Condition | Shielding Hands |

Smiting Prayers

Balthazar's Spirit | Bane Signet | Retribution | Scourge Healing | Scourge Sacrifice | Shield of Judgment | Smite Hex |

No Profession

Empathic Removal | Essence Bond | Holy Veil | Resurrect |


Blood Magic

Awaken the Blood | Blood Bond | Dark Pact | Demonic Flesh | Life Siphon | Life Transfer | Mark of Fury |


Barbs | Chilblains | Defile Enchantments | Mark of Pain | Order of Apostasy | Price of Failure | Soul Bind | Ulcerous Lungs |

Death Magic

Animate Bone Minions | Bitter Chill | Consume Corpse | Feast for the Dead | Order of Undeath | Rising Bile | Tainted Flesh | Verata's Sacrifice |

Soul Reaping

Angorodon's Gaze | Foul Feast | Hexer's Vigor | Masochism | Signet of Lost Souls | Signet of Sorrow |


Air Magic

Chilling Winds | Conjure Lightning | Gale | Glimmering Mark | Glyph of Swiftness | Lightning Javelin | Ride the Lightning | Shell Shock |

Earth Magic

Ash Blast | Crystal Wave | Glowstone | Iron Mist | Shockwave | Stoning | Teinai's Crystals | Unsteady Ground |

Energy Storage

Aura of Restoration | Energy Blast | Glyph of Lesser Energy | Glyph of Restoration |

Fire Magic

Bed of Coals | Burning Speed | Double Dragon | Glyph of Immolation | Lava Arrows | Searing Heat | Teinai's Heat |

Water Magic

Armor of Mist | Frigid Armor | Frozen Burst | Maelstrom | Shard Storm | Steam |

No Profession

Glyph of Sacrifice |


Critical Strikes

Black Lotus Strike | Critical Strike | Dark Apostasy | Deadly Haste | Malicious Strike | Shattering Assault | Twisting Fangs | Way of the Assassin | Way of the Master |

Dagger Mastery

Black Spider Strike | Falling Lotus Strike | Flashing Blades | Golden Phoenix Strike | Jungle Strike | Nine Tail Strike | Trampling Ox |

Deadly Arts

Dark Prison | Expose Defenses | Expunge Enchantments | Shadow Fang | Shameful Fear | Signet of Deadly Corruption |

Shadow Arts

Return | Shadow of Haste | Smoke Powder Defense | Unseen Fury | Viper's Defense | Way of the Lotus |

No Profession

Assault Enchantments |


Channeling Magic

Channeled Strike | Gaze from Beyond | Nightmare Weapon | Offering of Spirit | Spirit Rift | Splinter Weapon | Weapon of Aggression |


Armor of Unfeeling | Disenchantment | Earthbind | Ghostly Weapon | Restoration | Vital Weapon | Weapon of Quickening |

Restoration Magic

Blind Was Mingson | Lively Was Naomei | Spiritleech Aura | Tranquil Was Tanasen | Vengeful Weapon | Vocal Was Sogolon | Weapon of Shadow |

Spawning Power

Attuned Was Songkai | Boon of Creation | Energetic Was Lee Sa | Explosive Growth | Ritual Lord | Rupture Soul | Sight Beyond Sight | Spirit's Gift |


Earth Prayers

Conviction | Dust Cloak | Ebon Dust Aura | Fleeting Stability | Mirage Cloak | Pious Concentration | Shield of Force |


Arcane Zeal | Extend Enchantments | Heart of Holy Flame | Imbue Health | Mystic Corruption | Mystic Vigor | Vow of Silence | Watchful Intervention |

Scythe Mastery

Chilling Victory | Crippling Victory | Reaper's Sweep | Rending Sweep | Twin Moon Sweep | Victorious Sweep | Zealous Sweep |

Wind Prayers

Guiding Hands | Harrier's Haste | Mystic Twister | Signet of Pious Restraint | Whirling Charge | Winds of Disenchantment | Zealous Vow |



"Can't Touch This!" | "Fall Back!" | "Help Me!" | "Incoming!" | "Make Haste!" | Anthem of Envy | Godspeed |


Anthem of Flame | Awe | Glowing Signet | Hasty Refrain | Leader's Comfort | Spear Swipe |


"It's Just a Flesh Wound." | Chorus of Restoration | Finale of Restoration | Inspirational Speech | Lyric of Zeal | Mending Refrain | Purifying Finale | Song of Purification |

Spear Mastery

Spear of Lightning | Stunning Strike | Swift Javelin | Unblockable Throw | Vicious Attack | Wearying Spear | Wild Throw |

No Profession

Cautery Signet | Signet of Aggression |



Breath of the Great Dwarf | Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom | Summon Naga Shaman |


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