Guild Wars Skill Codices from Saturday, February 15, 2020 Stream

Rules (Used During Second Codex)

• No profession may be duplicated in primaries/secondaries. (You may have a W/Mo and a Mo/W, but not a W/Mo and W/R or Mo/W and R/W.)

Codex 2


Axe Mastery

Axe Rake | Axe Twist | Dismember | Disrupting Chop | Executioner's Strike | Swift Chop |

Hammer Mastery

Backbreaker | Counter Blow | Crushing Blow | Heavy Blow | Irresistible Blow | Mighty Blow | Staggering Blow |


"I Will Survive!" | Berserker Stance | Defy Pain | Endure Pain | Flourish | Protector's Strike | Shield Bash | Warrior's Cunning |


Galrath Slash | Gash | Hamstring | Savage Slash | Seeking Blade | Sever Artery |


"Fear Me!" | "Shields Up!" | "Victory Is Mine!" | Balanced Stance | Deadly Riposte | Desperation Blow | Shield Stance |


Domination Magic

Hex Breaker | Ignorance | Power Leak | Shatter Delusions | Shatter Hex | Wastrel's Worry |

Illusion Magic

Clumsiness | Ethereal Burden | Fragility | Illusion of Haste | Illusionary Weaponry | Imagined Burden | Migraine | Phantom Pain |

Inspiration Magic

Ether Lord | Mantra of Flame | Mantra of Persistence | Physical Resistance | Spirit of Failure | Spirit Shackles |

No Profession

Echo | Signet of Midnight |


Beast Mastery

Call of Haste | Edge of Extinction | Feral Lunge | Maiming Strike | Predatory Season | Revive Animal |


Distracting Shot | Dodge | Lightning Reflexes | Point Blank Shot | Practiced Stance | Throw Dirt | Whirling Defense |


Concussion Shot | Favorable Winds | Hunter's Shot | Power Shot | Precision Shot | Punishing Shot | Read the Wind |

Wilderness Survival

Barbed Trap | Choking Gas | Frozen Soil | Kindle Arrows | Melandru's Arrows | Nature's Renewal | Quickening Zephyr | Spike Trap |

No Profession

Called Shot |


Divine Favor

Blessed Signet | Contemplation of Purity | Divine Boon | Divine Healing | Divine Intervention | Watchful Spirit |

Healing Prayers

Heal Area | Heal Party | Healing Seed | Healing Touch | Live Vicariously | Restore Life | Word of Healing |

Protection Prayers

Convert Hexes | Draw Conditions | Mark of Protection | Mend Ailment | Pacifism | Rebirth | Shield of Deflection | Vital Blessing |

Smiting Prayers

Bane Signet | Holy Wrath | Judge's Insight | Retribution | Scourge Sacrifice | Shield of Judgment | Strength of Honor |

No Profession

Purge Signet | Succor |


Blood Magic

Dark Bond | Dark Fury | Demonic Flesh | Life Siphon | Life Transfer | Mark of Subversion | Vampiric Touch | Well of Power |


Barbs | Defile Flesh | Lingering Curse | Malaise | Plague Signet | Plague Touch | Price of Failure | Rend Enchantments |

Death Magic

Animate Bone Fiend | Malign Intervention | Necrotic Traversal | Verata's Sacrifice | Vile Touch | Well of Suffering |


Air Magic

Blinding Flash | Enervating Charge | Glimmering Mark | Lightning Javelin | Lightning Orb | Mind Shock | Whirlwind | Windborne Speed |

Earth Magic

Earthquake | Grasping Earth | Iron Mist | Kinetic Armor | Magnetic Aura | Obsidian Flesh | Ward Against Foes |

Energy Storage

Aura of Restoration | Glyph of Lesser Energy |

Fire Magic

Fire Storm | Fireball | Flame Burst | Flare | Immolate | Meteor |

Water Magic

Blurred Vision | Conjure Frost | Ice Prison | Maelstrom | Shard Storm | Ward Against Harm | Water Attunement |

No Profession

Glyph of Elemental Power | Glyph of Sacrifice |


Resurrection Signet |

Codex 1


Axe Mastery

Axe Rake | Axe Twist | Critical Chop | Dismember | Eviscerate | Executioner's Strike | Keen Chop | Lacerating Chop | Penetrating Blow |

Hammer Mastery

Counter Blow | Enraged Smash | Fierce Blow | Hammer Bash | Heavy Blow | Magehunter's Smash | Mighty Blow | Overbearing Smash | Pulverizing Smash | Staggering Blow |


Berserker Stance | Bull's Strike | Burst of Aggression | Power Attack | Protector's Strike | Signet of Strength | Tiger Stance | Warrior's Cunning |


Barbarous Slice | Galrath Slash | Hamstring | Knee Cutter | Pure Strike | Savage Slash | Standing Slash | Sun and Moon Slash |


"None Shall Pass!" | "Shields Up!" | Deflect Arrows | Drunken Blow | Gladiator's Defense | Healing Signet | Protector's Defense | Riposte | Soldier's Strike |

No Profession

Frenzy |


Domination Magic

Complicate | Diversion | Empathy | Ignorance | Panic | Power Lock | Shatter Delusions | Signet of Distraction | Simple Thievery | Wastrel's Demise |

Fast Casting

Mantra of Recovery | Persistence of Memory | Power Return | Symbolic Celerity | Symbolic Posture |

Illusion Magic

Ancestor's Visage | Ethereal Burden | Illusion of Pain | Kitah's Burden | Phantom Pain | Signet of Clumsiness | Sum of All Fears | Sympathetic Visage |

Inspiration Magic

Discharge Enchantment | Ether Lord | Extend Conditions | Mantra of Concentration | Mantra of Earth | Mantra of Flame | Mantra of Persistence | Mantra of Signets | Revealed Enchantment |

No Profession

Hypochondria |


Beast Mastery

Bestial Pounce | Brutal Strike | Disrupting Lunge | Edge of Extinction | Otyugh's Cry | Poisonous Bite | Predator's Pounce | Primal Echoes |


Distracting Shot | Dodge | Expert Focus | Marksman's Wager | Oath Shot | Point Blank Shot | Throw Dirt | Trapper's Speed | Whirling Defense | Zojun's Haste |


Concussion Shot | Debilitating Shot | Disrupting Shot | Favorable Winds | Keen Arrow | Needling Shot | Splinter Shot | Volley |

Wilderness Survival

Choking Gas | Conflagration | Dust Trap | Melandru's Arrows | Pestilence | Piercing Trap | Quicksand | Snare | Winnowing | Winter |


Divine Favor

Blessed Aura | Contemplation of Purity | Divine Boon | Holy Haste | Peace and Harmony | Release Enchantments | Signet of Devotion | Smiter's Boon | Watchful Healing |

Healing Prayers

Gift of Health | Healer's Covenant | Healing Seed | Healing Touch | Mending | Patient Spirit | Resurrection Chant | Supportive Spirit | Words of Comfort |

Protection Prayers

Aura of Stability | Convert Hexes | Extinguish | Life Attunement | Life Barrier | Purifying Veil | Rebirth | Restore Condition | Shield Guardian | Spirit Bond |

Smiting Prayers

Banish | Holy Strike | Judge's Insight | Kirin's Wrath | Retribution | Signet of Mystic Wrath | Signet of Rage | Stonesoul Strike |


Blood Magic

Barbed Signet | Dark Bond | Dark Pact | Jaundiced Gaze | Mark of Fury | Offering of Blood | Spoil Victor | Touch of Agony | Vampiric Gaze | Vampiric Swarm |


Envenom Enchantments | Feast of Corruption | Mark of Pain | Plague Sending | Price of Failure | Shivers of Dread | Soul Barbs | Ulcerous Lungs | Well of Weariness |

Death Magic

Animate Vampiric Horror | Fetid Ground | Putrid Bile | Rising Bile | Rotting Flesh | Verata's Aura | Verata's Sacrifice | Virulence | Well of Suffering |

Soul Reaping

Angorodon's Gaze | Foul Feast | Hexer's Vigor | Masochism | Signet of Lost Souls | Signet of Sorrow |


Air Magic

Enervating Charge | Glyph of Swiftness | Lightning Javelin | Lightning Touch | Mind Shock | Shell Shock | Teinai's Wind | Whirlwind | Windborne Speed |

Earth Magic

Aftershock | Earthen Shackles | Ebon Hawk | Glowstone | Iron Mist | Stone Daggers | Teinai's Crystals | Ward Against Foes |

Energy Storage

Aura of Restoration | Elemental Attunement | Energy Blast | Glyph of Lesser Energy | Glyph of Restoration |

Fire Magic

Breath of Fire | Burning Speed | Conjure Flame | Elemental Flame | Glyph of Immolation | Lava Arrows | Lava Font | Savannah Heat | Searing Flames | Teinai's Heat |

Water Magic

Armor of Frost | Frigid Armor | Icy Prism | Maelstrom | Slippery Ground | Steam | Teinai's Prison | Winter's Embrace |

No Profession

Glyph of Sacrifice |


Critical Strikes

Black Lotus Strike | Critical Defenses | Critical Eye | Malicious Strike | Sharpen Daggers | Twisting Fangs | Unsuspecting Strike | Way of the Master |

Dagger Mastery

Black Mantis Thrust | Black Spider Strike | Blades of Steel | Golden Fang Strike | Lotus Strike | Nine Tail Strike | Repeating Strike | Trampling Ox |

Deadly Arts

Dancing Daggers | Entangling Asp | Expunge Enchantments | Mark of Death | Mark of Insecurity | Sadist's Signet | Shameful Fear | Signet of Shadows | Signet of Toxic Shock |

Shadow Arts

Heart of Shadow | Hidden Caltrops | Mirrored Stance | Return | Shadow of Haste | Shadow Refuge | Unseen Fury | Way of Perfection | Way of the Fox |


Shadow Sanctuary (Kurzick) |

No Profession

Assault Enchantments | Lift Enchantment | Recall | Shadow Walk | Swap | Wastrel's Collapse |


Channeling Magic

Bloodsong | Channeled Strike | Nightmare Weapon | Painful Bond | Spirit Rift | Spirit Siphon | Wailing Weapon | Weapon of Aggression |


Displacement | Dulled Weapon | Guided Weapon | Mighty Was Vorizun | Restoration | Soothing | Union | Vital Weapon | Wanderlust | Weapon of Quickening |

Restoration Magic

Blind Was Mingson | Flesh of My Flesh | Mending Grip | Preservation | Pure Was Li Ming | Recovery | Recuperation | Resilient Weapon | Wielder's Boon |

Spawning Power

Boon of Creation | Doom | Empowerment | Feast of Souls | Ghostly Haste | Rupture Soul | Spirit to Flesh | Spirit's Gift | Wielder's Zeal |


Earth Prayers

Aura of Thorns | Ebon Dust Aura | Fleeting Stability | Mirage Cloak | Mystic Sandstorm | Pious Concentration | Signet of Pious Light | Staggering Force | Veil of Thorns |


Arcane Zeal | Balthazar's Rage | Banishing Strike | Eremite's Zeal | Faithful Intervention | Intimidating Aura | Rending Touch | Watchful Intervention | Zealous Renewal |

Scythe Mastery

Farmer's Scythe | Irresistible Sweep | Lyssa's Assault | Pious Assault | Reap Impurities | Twin Moon Sweep | Wearying Strike | Wounding Strike | Zealous Sweep |

Wind Prayers

Featherfoot Grace | Grenth's Fingers | Guiding Hands | Lyssa's Haste | Mystic Twister | Natural Healing | Pious Restoration | Signet of Mystic Speed | Zealous Vow |


Eternal Aura |



"Can't Touch This!" | "Make Haste!" | "Never Give Up!" | "Never Surrender!" | "Stand Your Ground!" | "We Shall Return!" | Anthem of Disruption | Anthem of Guidance | Crippling Anthem | Godspeed |


"Lead the Way!" | "Make Your Time!" | Blazing Finale | Burning Refrain | Focused Anger | Glowing Signet | Hasty Refrain | Leader's Comfort | Natural Temper |


Aria of Restoration | Chorus of Restoration | Energizing Finale | Leader's Zeal | Lyric of Purification | Purifying Finale | Signet of Synergy | Song of Power |

Spear Mastery

Cruel Spear | Harrier's Toss | Maiming Spear | Mighty Throw | Slayer's Spear | Spear of Lightning | Swift Javelin | Unblockable Throw | Wild Throw |



Alkar's Alchemical Acid | Lightbringer's Gaze |

No Profession

Resurrection Signet |


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