Codex from Saturday, February 8, 2020 Stream



Axe Mastery

Agonizing Chop | Critical Chop | Furious Axe | Lacerating Chop | Penetrating Blow | Penetrating Chop |

Hammer Mastery

Belly Smash | Crushing Blow | Overbearing Smash | Pulverizing Smash | Renewing Smash | Yeti Smash |


"I Will Survive!" | Bull's Charge | Griffon's Sweep | Leviathan's Sweep | Rage of the Ntouka | Rush | Signet of Stamina | Signet of Strength |


Barbarous Slice | Dragon Slash | Galrath Slash | Knee Cutter | Silverwing Slash | Standing Slash | Steelfang Slash |


"To the Limit!" | Deflect Arrows | Disciplined Stance | Protector's Defense | Soldier's Defense | Soldier's Speed | Soldier's Stance |

No Profession

Skull Crack |


Domination Magic

Overload | Power Lock | Psychic Distraction | Shame | Shatter Delusions | Signet of Distraction | Wastrel's Demise |

Fast Casting

Arcane Languor | Persistence of Memory | Power Return | Symbolic Celerity | Symbolic Posture | Symbols of Inspiration |

Illusion Magic

Accumulated Pain | Confusing Images | Distortion | Frustration | Illusionary Weaponry | Images of Remorse | Signet of Illusions | Sum of All Fears |

Inspiration Magic

Ether Phantom | Ether Signet | Inspired Hex | Revealed Enchantment | Revealed Hex | Waste Not, Want Not |


Beast Mastery

Companionship | Edge of Extinction | Feral Aggression | Feral Lunge | Strike as One | Symbiotic Bond | Toxicity |


Dodge | Expert Focus | Glass Arrows | Point Blank Shot | Trapper's Focus | Trapper's Speed | Zojun's Haste | Zojun's Shot |


Arcing Shot | Burning Arrow | Disrupting Accuracy | Keen Arrow | Marauder's Shot | Screaming Shot | Seeking Arrows |

Wilderness Survival

Barbed Arrows | Melandru's Arrows | Muddy Terrain | Pestilence | Piercing Trap | Tranquility | Tripwire |

No Profession

Forked Arrow |


Divine Favor

Contemplation of Purity | Deny Hexes | Heaven's Delight | Scribe's Insight | Smiter's Boon | Spell Shield | Watchful Healing |

Healing Prayers

Ethereal Light | Heal Other | Healing Whisper | Spotless Soul | Vigorous Spirit | Words of Comfort |

Protection Prayers

Air of Enchantment | Aura of Faith | Extinguish | Life Attunement | Life Sheath | Mending Touch | Protective Bond | Purifying Veil | Shield Guardian |

Smiting Prayers

Castigation Signet | Judge's Intervention | Ray of Judgment | Reversal of Damage | Scourge Sacrifice | Signet of Mystic Wrath | Symbol of Wrath |

No Profession

Light of Dwayna | Vengeance |


Blood Magic

Blood Renewal | Mark of Fury | Oppressive Gaze | Ravenous Gaze | Touch of Agony | Vampiric Spirit | Vampiric Swarm | Wallow's Bite |


Enfeeble | Envenom Enchantments | Plague Sending | Spinal Shivers | Vocal Minority | Well of Weariness |

Death Magic

Aura of the Lich | Feast for the Dead | Malign Intervention | Necrotic Traversal | Rising Bile | Verata's Aura | Verata's Sacrifice | Virulence |

Soul Reaping

Angorodon's Gaze | Foul Feast | Hexer's Vigor | Masochism | Reaper's Mark | Signet of Lost Souls | Signet of Sorrow |


Air Magic

Chilling Winds | Glyph of Swiftness | Shell Shock | Shock | Shock Arrow | Teinai's Wind |

Earth Magic

Grasping Earth | Sandstorm | Shockwave | Sliver Armor | Stone Striker | Stoneflesh Aura | Teinai's Crystals | Ward of Stability |

Energy Storage

Energy Blast | Ether Prism | Ether Prodigy | Glyph of Restoration |

Fire Magic

Flame Djinn's Haste | Glyph of Immolation | Incendiary Bonds | Lava Font | Meteor Shower | Savannah Heat | Teinai's Heat |

Water Magic

Freezing Gust | Frigid Armor | Frozen Burst | Icy Prism | Shard Storm | Swirling Aura |


Critical Strikes

Black Lotus Strike | Critical Defenses | Critical Strike | Dark Apostasy | Deadly Haste | Locust's Fury | Unsuspecting Strike | Way of the Master |

Dagger Mastery

Black Mantis Thrust | Blades of Steel | Flashing Blades | Fox Fangs | Golden Fang Strike | Golden Phoenix Strike | Jagged Strike | Temple Strike |

Deadly Arts

Deadly Paradox | Entangling Asp | Mark of Death | Scorpion Wire | Shadow Prison | Signet of Toxic Shock | Vampiric Assault |

Shadow Arts

Dark Escape | Death's Retreat | Heart of Shadow | Mirrored Stance | Shadow of Haste | Way of the Fox |

No Profession

Recall | Spirit Walk |


Channeling Magic

Ancestors' Rage | Destructive Was Glaive | Gaze from Beyond | Gaze of Fury | Painful Bond | Signet of Spirits | Spirit Boon Strike | Wailing Weapon |


Brutal Weapon | Displacement | Ghostly Weapon | Shadowsong | Shelter | Vital Weapon |

Restoration Magic

Lively Was Naomei | Preservation | Protective Was Kaolai | Pure Was Li Ming | Resilient Was Xiko | Spirit Transfer | Spiritleech Aura | Tranquil Was Tanasen |

Spawning Power

Anguished Was Lingwah | Attuned Was Songkai | Ghostly Haste | Renewing Memories | Signet of Binding | Weapon of Renewal | Wielder's Remedy |


Earth Prayers

Dust Cloak | Ebon Dust Aura | Fleeting Stability | Mirage Cloak | Mystic Regeneration | Mystic Sandstorm | Vital Boon |


Arcane Zeal | Aura Slicer | Avatar of Melandru | Banishing Strike | Faithful Intervention | Intimidating Aura | Watchful Intervention | Zealous Renewal |

Scythe Mastery

Chilling Victory | Eremite's Attack | Irresistible Sweep | Lyssa's Assault | Reap Impurities | Rending Sweep |

Wind Prayers

Grenth's Fingers | Grenth's Grasp | Guiding Hands | Lyssa's Haste | Natural Healing | Signet of Mystic Speed | Whirling Charge | Zealous Vow |



"Fall Back!" | "Help Me!" | "Make Haste!" | "Never Surrender!" | Anthem of Weariness | Bladeturn Refrain | Crippling Anthem |


"Lead the Way!" | Aggressive Refrain | Angelic Protection | Anthem of Fury | Awe | Burning Shield | Focused Anger | Natural Temper |


Finale of Restoration | Leader's Zeal | Lyric of Zeal | Purifying Finale | Signet of Synergy | Song of Power | Song of Restoration |

Spear Mastery

Barbed Spear | Chest Thumper | Maiming Spear | Stunning Strike | Swift Javelin | Unblockable Throw | Vicious Attack |

No Profession

Hexbreaker Aria |


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