Guild Wars 1: Assassin Skill Review & PvP Prebuilds only Challenge Run Continues

This week I covered the Assassin profession in my Guild Wars 1 Skill Review Project. I've been both enjoying and getting a lot out of this project, but I'm also looking forward to the conclusion—it takes up a lot of time! Just three professions left to go...

I also continued my PvP Prebuilds only challenge run, this time making it over the Shiverpeaks and through the Gates of Kryta!

Direct video links:

Guild Wars 1—Skill Review Project: Assassin—Introduction -
Guild Wars 1—Skill Review Project: Assassin—Critical Strikes -
Guild Wars 1—Skill Review Project: Assassin—Dagger Mastery -
Guild Wars 1—Skill Review Project: Assassin—Deadly Arts -
Guild Wars 1—Skill Review Project: Assassin—Shadow Arts -
Guild Wars 1—Skill Review Project: Assassin—PvE-Only & No Attribute -
Guild Wars 1—Challenge Run: Old PvP Prebuilds Only—Over the Shiverpeaks and into Kryta -


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