Let's Learn Stellaris Episodes 10-14

I continued playing Stellaris, as I've not finished this first game yet. It's one of those games that can take a while to play, heh. But I'm having fun! A lot of stuff has happened this week, including some very strange occurrences at the colony I decided to name "Iceland." And one of my scientists has introduced a "virus" that mutates humans into another form. I don't think it's harmful, though?

Direct video links:

Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 10: Unpopular In The Galaxy - https://youtu.be/2dwWqIK_e5U
Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 11: What Is a Human? - https://youtu.be/JB4Id6k4s7A
Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 12: Why did I name this planet Iceland? - https://youtu.be/pzXMp29-40s
Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 13: A Measure of Peace - https://youtu.be/WowFBoFsSGU
Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 14: The Cybrex Homeworld - https://youtu.be/Aqt_gE4-cq0


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